What People are Saying...
"I have loved the original "Beginning Sous Vide" book by J. Logsdon...This new book on Grilling adds additional ideas and recipes and creative ways to expand my technique."
- Kathy
3.9 out of 5 stars from 21 reviews
- Amazon.com Rating
"By precooking the meat ahead of time using sous vide, I know the meat is safe but just as important, it is nice and juicy. I have a feeling we will have more folks over this summer now that I can enjoy the party too!"
- Steven
"With the summer coming up, and grilling season right around the corner, this is a great book for those looking to try out some new ideas for their cookouts, and proves that sous vide is nothing to be afraid of."
- Timophy
Jason Logsdon is a passionate home cook, entrepreneur, and web developer. He helps cooks understand new modernist cooking techniques with easy-to-understand directions and recipes. He has several books and a website on modernist cooking that are read by thousands of people every month including Modernist Cooking Made Easy: Getting Started, Modernist Cooking Made Easy: The Whipping Siphon, Sous Vide Grilling, Sous Vide: Help for the Busy Cook, and Modernist Cooking Made Easy: Party Foods. He can be reached at jason@afmeasy.com or through Twitter at @jasonlogsdon.