Getting Creative with Vegetables - Ask Jason

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Another challenge for me has been getting creative with vegetables. I love your sweet and spicy carrots recipe, especially the convenience of dumping everything into the bag to cook and then you just put it straight on the plate and you don't do anything else with it.

- Mike La Charite

Note:The following article is an edited transcript from the video.

There are a lot of vegetable recipes you can do that with as long as you don't mind them being a little watery.

One of the benefits of cooking vegetables in a pan is when the water releases from the vegetables it evaporates so whatever you have remaining in the pan turns into more of a glaze or a sauce. With a sous vide technique evaporation doesn't occur.

Sous vide root vegetables 5

Remember my 80% good enough mantra? When I'm cooking for a basic weeknight meal, I don't want to spend extra time and dirty more pots. I'll throw some vegetables in a sous vide bag with a little bit of olive oil or butter and a few herbs and spices. I'll cook them through until they're tender, put them on the plate and serve. I find besides being really flavorful, they're healthy to eat and the vegetables are perfectly cooked. It's a good way to kind of maximize my "golden rule".

Sous vide root vegetables 1

I honestly don't cook a lot of vegetables sous vide. It's one of those things a lot of people love. I too think it's often fine because they always turn out tender. But I prefer the flavors of roasting, searing, or grilling them to add a little bit of char and a little bit more sweetness and caramelization that you just don't get in sous vide.

I don't do a lot of steamed vegetables either. But I think if you enjoy steamed vegetables then sous viding them would have a lot of the same texture and flavor. So in that case, I think it'd be a good substitute for those but I almost always roast my vegetables or grill them.

Sous vide corn feta lime 4

Even though I don't regularly sous vide vegetables, they are quick, flavorful and easy to make. Because almost all sous vide vegetables are cooked at 183°F (83.9°C) or higher, as an added bonus, you can put raw garlic in the bag and it will cook at the same time. Sous vide gives you the opportunity to cook vegetables, open the bag and immediately serve right then.

You can learn more about vegetables from my How to Sous Vide Vegetables Articles or view all my Sous Vide Vegetable Articles. Sous vide cherry tomatoes poached 12

If you like this you can get more than 85 inspiring recipes to get you on your way to sous vide success. It's all in my best selling book Modernist Cooking Made Easy: Sous Vide - Get Your Copy Today!

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All tags for this article: Ask Jason, Sous Vide, Sous Vide Vegetable , Sous Vide Fruit and Vegetables

Jason logsdon headshot This article is by me, Jason Logsdon. I'm an adventurous home cook and professional blogger who loves to try new things, especially when it comes to cooking. I've explored everything from sous vide and whipping siphons to pressure cookers and blow torches; created foams, gels and spheres; made barrel aged cocktails and brewed beer. I have also written 10 cookbooks on modernist cooking and sous vide and I run the website.
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