Recent Makin' Bacon Food Blogging Articles - Page 5

Give Your Audience What They Want, How They Want It

Give Your Audience What They Want, How They Want It image

I recently interviewed Chelsea Cole on the Makin' Bacon Podcast and I felt this was an important part to highlight.

Writing a book is hard...publishing a book is easy. You don't need much money, a place to store inventory, and you don't need to ship anything out yourself.

What is holding you back from making a printed cookbook?

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Growing with TikTok with Sarah Wohlner

Growing with TikTok with Sarah Wohlner image

Today, we talk TikTok! Including how introverts can succeed on it, what goals a blogger can accomplish, and why it's not just for the kids these days. Join Jason as he interviews Sarah Wohlner about everything you need to know when growing your blog through social media, especially TikTok!

As bloggers, we are always towing the line between maximizing our exposure on existing platforms and searching for what will become the next Instagram. There's a lot of new social media services out there, but one that is quickly gaining popularity is TikTok. TikTok isn't just for dancing though. It's also a great place for bloggers to share their work. And Sarah Wohlner is the perfect person to show us how to do it.

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Google Web Stories Tools and Resources

Welcome to my Web Stories Made Easy Quick Start Course! This is the seventh and final article and provides a list of articles and resources focused around Google Web Stories!

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How Can You Make Money with Google Web Stories

Welcome to my Web Stories Made Easy Quick Start Course! This is the sixth article and we will be diving into they various ways you can make money from Google Web Stories!

It's not easy to directly monetize web stories but there's a few things you can do.

You can always insert ads into the web stories themselves, there's a few different methods from external ads you sell yourself to Google's own network of Ad Platform ads, and even MediaVine soon.

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How Do Google Web Stories affect SEO

There's a lot of concerns over whether web stories and SEO.

People are worried they are can hurt overall SEO, wonder how to get the most out of their web stories, and want to make sure they are boosting the overall site authority.

This is the fifth article, and dives into all of those issues and we will be diving into concerns around how Google Web Stories affects SEO!

Remember that Google has been steadily moving towards trying to promote content that users consume, that users enjoy, and that provides a good experience for the user.

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How Do Google Web Stories Fit Into a Blogging Strategy

Welcome to my Web Stories Made Easy Quick Start Course! This is the fourth article and we will be diving into how you can approach which Google Web Stories you will want to create first!

While everyone is talking about Google Web Stories, many bloggers aren't always sure how they can work them into their blogging strategy.

There's two main ways people currently use web stories. I call them the "Standalone" and the "Companion" methods.

The Standalone method is about creating a self-contained story that doesn't rely on any other content on your website. It may point off to other articles, use affiliate links, or point to recipes but it's not specifically tied to any one thing.

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How to Create Google Web Stories

This is the third article and we will be diving into what your options are for actually creating Google Web Stories so you can see what might be right for you!

When I started diving into creating Google Web Stories I was surprised at just how many tools are out there to help you make them.

A lot of bloggers are on WordPress, which has an amazing plugin designed to make it easy. But it's pretty limited, and not everyone is on it.

Here's a look at all the tools, from coding it yourself to using your existing Jumprope content, and everything in between

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What Makes a Good Google Web Story

Welcome to my part two in my Web Stories Made Easy Quick Start Course! Today we are going to dive into what makes a good Google Web Story and how you can approach building them to be successful!

When I started learning about Google Web Stories, I didn't realize just how different they were than the other "stories" out there.

When I pictured a web story, I thought it was just like most Instagram stories - a collection of sometime related images and videos. But it turns out they are a lot more than that.

So read on as I go over my biggest takeaways about what makes a good Google Web Story.

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What Are Google Web Stories?

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Web Stories are Google's attempt to take the now-classic Instagram "story" approach and apply it to their search results.

They look almost identical to the Instagram / Facebook / Pinterest story model and are a series of "slides" containing images, videos, text or audio that you can swipe through, or have advance on their own.

Google states that they should be self-contained stories, not partial stories or teasers.

They are also mainly mobile based, though browsers can display them as well.

So let's dive into what Google Web Stories actually are and why you should care about them!

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Scaling Your Business Through Conferences with Abbey Rodriguez and Chandice Probst

Scaling Your Business Through Conferences with Abbey Rodriguez and Chandice Probst image

Today, I chat with Abbey Rodriguez and Chandice Probst about the true value of going to conferences, what small events even regular bloggers can host, and why networking is critical to success...yes, even for you.

During the interview, we dive deep into scaling your blog and your business through conferences and tradeshows, finding brand partnerships, and how to surround yourself with people that will help you succeed!!

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