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Sous Vide Ribeye with White Bean Puree and Garlic Kale Recipe image

Sous Vide Ribeye with White Bean Puree and Garlic Kale Recipe

I love a huge, fancy ribeye with a nice demi-glace and some wine, but sometimes I just need something quick for a weeknight meal! When that's the case, I love to turn to this sous vide ribeye dish. It is served on a simple white bean puree with some garlicky kale. It comes together really quick but is still full of great flavor.

Sous Vide Bone-In Ribeye with Pickled Ramps Recipe image

Sous Vide Bone-In Ribeye with Pickled Ramps Recipe

Sous vide ribeye pairs exceptionally well with pickled ramps in this easy and flavorful recipe.

Sous Vide Ribeye Recipe with Morels and Garlic Scapes image

Sous Vide Ribeye Recipe with Morels and Garlic Scapes

Late spring is always a favorite time of year to cook for me because of all the unique ingredients you can find. At the store this week I came across fresh morel mushrooms and garlic scapes. These are both ingredients you can usually only find in spring, especially in the New York area, so I jumped at the chance to get them. I ended up pairing them with a great sous vide ribeye steak.

Sous Vide French Dip Sandwiches Recipe image

Sous Vide French Dip Sandwiches Recipe

French dip sandwiches are a classic deli food and they are very easy to make at home using our sous vide recipe with a top round roast. Once the meat is cooked for several days it is seared and thinly sliced. I like to pile the slices on a hoagie roll with melted Swiss cheese but you can serve it however you prefer. Many people enjoy thinly sliced red onion on it.

Sous Vide Ribeye Recipes with Asian Glaze image

Sous Vide Ribeye Recipes with Asian Glaze

Often during the week you only have time for a quick meal. These Asian Glazed sous vide ribeye steaks are one way to still have a flavorful dish without spending a lot of time in the kitchen. Because it is already very tender there are several ways to sous vide ribeye steak. You can cook it by thickness, using a sous vide thickness ruler, just long enough to bring it up to temperature. You can also cook it for up to 8 hours because of the amount of fat in the steak. One of my favorite ways is to sous vide it for several hours then chill it in a 1/2 ice - 1/2 water bath.

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