Gelatin Gel Recipes Recipes

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Sous Vide Adult Gummies Recipe image

Sous Vide Adult Gummies Recipe

I was first inspired for these sous vide adult gummies recipe from ChefSteps and I took it and applied it to making fun snacks for parties.

Margarita Gel image

Margarita Gel

This is a tastier take on the commonly served Jell-O shot especially if you top them with some candied lime peel and a little sprig of mint. You can even substitute any of your favorite drinks into this recipe - let your imagination run wild!

Orange-Ginger Gel Sheets image

Orange-Ginger Gel Sheets

One interesting use of modernist gelling is to create pliable gel sheets. These gel sheets are made by adding a combination of agar agar and gelatin to a flavored liquid and letting it set. The agar and gelatin add both elasticity for strength and a nice brittleness for flavor release. The ratio of the two ingredient will determine the final characteristic of the gel sheets.

Sous Vide Lemon Curd image

Sous Vide Lemon Curd

Although you can now buy lemon curd in most supermarkets, it is extremely simple to make in your water oven, and the homemade version doesn't contain any preservatives or artificial flavors. Traditional recipes require cooking the lemon-egg mixture in a double boiler until the curd thickens. This can be tricky, as one or two degrees can make the difference between success and disaster. With the sous vide technique, the curd cooks itself without any stress or stirring.

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